

I am sorry to say it but a lot of the churches get the "missions" thing wrong.

Let me explain 

Are you supposed to do missions?


Should you do missions?



However, here is the problem: Jesus said in the book of Acts to take this gospel

FIRST to Jerusalem, THEN to Judea, THEN Samaria...


To the uttermost part of the world.


It is too easy (and kind of lazy) to take care of and tell someone to put $20 in an overseas mission bucket BUT NOT even begin to take over their own Jerusalem first


Chew on that for a bit


The black and white laid out right in front of the church pattern and truth is that you are supposed to take over your Jerusalem first. That builds your true spiritual muscle. That gives you momentum to then go out to Judea next. It is the way Jesus told you to do the gospel.


If we don't follow the pattern correctly you end up with churches where the people cannot witness in their own town. The pastors don't witness in their own town. It becomes socially acceptable, in Jerusalem, to sit over in the corner and stay in your four walls and never speak out and never affect change in your own area


Hmmm . . .

Do not do one thing

Yet totally ignore the other

Jesus said that, as well

:) :) :) 

~Original Post Here~