Get in the WORD-Spiritual Warfare, Prayer and Bible Reading


Most Christians have no idea about what all the term 'spiritual warfare' means.

It is a shame but it is hardly taught in most churches. There literally is another realm that exists right alongside ours called the spiritual realm. In it there are multitudes of demons and multitudes of angels.

The demons are always looking for opportunities and ways to get in the affairs of men to enable them to steal, to rip apart, to kill and to fully destroy. They are crafty. They are experienced. 

Chew on that for a while please..

And try and understand that they know the framework of the Word of God which they are within and they fully utilize it ( for their purposes) as hard as they can to destroy men's lives.

For example

" You reap what you sow" [ time, effort patience etc]

(Hello !)


The actions that you do and how you live your life-are you doing it out of love and a pure heart?

(scripture admonishes you that you MUST have a pure heart)

(you see, they know the ACTUAL condition of your heart

Etc., Etc




My gosh


May I break it down even more? They employ strategies..

For example if they can push you or frustrate you or get you to act in anger , etc

[get you to do "x" ]

they know their job is easier to push you into "y'...soon after that ( You DO reap what you sow...)


Like I said, they know the Word of God extremely well. They've been bumping up against it for thousands of years. Therefore, they ALSO know if you're playing with the Word of God in ANY area of your life or if you're actually living and demonstrating ( to the absolute best as YOU honestly can ) the PURE Word of God ( how hard are you living for the Lord? Is your passion and zeal for him sincere?) ( ARE YOU passionate and extremely zealous for the Lord?)

[ "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with ALL thy heart with all thy mind and with all thy soul and thy neighbor as thyself" ]

(Hello !! )

This means that if you're compromising with the Word of God in any area THEY HAVE an inroad into your life And they KNOW IT and they will often use it.


They know you on an individual basis. They fully know your individual weaknesses. They are always looking for the low part of your wall and how or where they can get into your life


They also know the territory you live in and what tools are in their territory they can use to try and bring you down.


There's so much more I could say on the subject but I'm sure that the above couple sentences are more than enough meat to chew on for several days. Like I said, it's simply not taught in most churches 😐😐😐


Bottom line, for now, is an emphasis on the Word of God.

>>What is the absolute best most effective way for you to fight the spiritual battle/spiritual warfare you are in, right now ?