Churches Need To TEACH!! :)


This is going to be another one of those it is what it is posts... So fasten your seat belts, yet again



One of the things that far too many modern churches miss these days is the prophetic.

It is simply not a subject that is taught, brought up or much less demonstrated.

The first reason it is not demonstrated or taught in the churches is because of fear on the subject.

Fear is not of God faith is... So that excuse gets thrown out the window at the first bat

Now, to the deeper issue:

Folks have problems in their lives. The answers to folks problems and regional problems are supernatural. The natural will NEVER get the job done.

You can always get general orders from headquarters 24/7 by reading your Bible.

However, a true accurate prophetic word gives you the orders on the ground for the enemy that is firing at you at that very moment and the exact situation you are in RIGHT THEN.

( Funny how the Lord knew EVERYTHING that was going to happen and gave us answers for everything we need in life....)

[ The Bible actually does say that. Imagine that !! ðŸ˜‰ ]


A true accurate prophetic word actually calls your name, details situations in your life that only God can know, gives you accurate right now specific information/ direction that you may not be clear to you at the moment or that you maybe even had no idea about


It builds your personal faith to the Nth degree


Pastors and leaders that do not understand , know about, teach, bring up or at least bring the prophetic into their Church...

Are they themselves LOSING battles in their own life...

And, by default , much more the people underneath them.


Is prophetic easy?


Is the Christian Life supposed to be easy?


Should those in charge of the spiritual care of others get their boots on, gear up, do the hard stuff and give the people the equipment that they need to fight AND WIN the battles in their own lives accurately and with power ( which therefore must include the prophetic )


That is why they call themselves "the leader", in the first place,

Right ??


People are not playing patty cake with what's going on in their lives.

The devil is absolutely real and he is so much more intense and detailed in his planning and tactics then far too many Christian LEADERS even realize


It's time to read the Bible. The WHOLE Bible



Amen ?


Original Post Here